Friday, October 25, 2013

Just Me-ing

Living upto the title of my blog.

1) I have 2 additional clocks on my PC in office showing the times of USA and Germany. I have no idea why.

2) Once I bought a dress material from a lady shopkeeper because she reminded me of my mother. I never wore the dress after I got it back from tailor.

3) I unfriended a school mate on facebook because she was too happy always.

4) I am an impulsive blogger. I do not put much thought into what I write (except poems). So sometimes even I don't understand what I have written.

5) I don't like getting wet in the rain. I feel that I am being poked with very wet sticks.

6) I make a lot of grammatical mistakes in my posts. Somenights i dream of getting hate mails from grammar nazis :( . I am sorry guys. I don't do it on purpose.

7) I think that everyone is bat crap crazy, some with the people they are comfortable with and hence are introverts and some people with everyone around them and hence they are extroverts.

8) In college if I dint like doing something I used to tell "My dad/mom dint give me permission to do it" so still many of my friends think that I have got very strict parents. But I know what cool parents I have. :)

9) If any of my friends ask my opinion with a big happy smile, on anything-store-bought and I don't like it, I tell them "Its different" with a big smile. :)

10) I get confused very easily and I believe and trust people very easily. Like Jess from New Girl. Usually when I write I get confused with then and than, brought and bought, its and it's, your and you're etc. . Once I forgot the spelling of the past tense of take, toke ? took ? o_O

Thats all for now. :)


  1. Quite a candid post :) My favorite was number 3 ;) and I believe you are absolutely right about Number 7 !

  2. Yup.. :) she was happy all the time.. :( ..
    Thanks for reading and commenting.. :) :)

  3. I feel like doing 3 sometimes but never did :P I also buy random stuff from people who look like my mother or my brother :P

    1. I think I will be sending a friend request to her soon soon.. I feel bad sometimes.. I hope you use what you buy.. I never wore the dress.. not even once.. :(
      Thanks for the comment :) :)

  4. Wow, it was nice seeing the 'Me' side of you. Its always nice to know someone better :)

  5. EVEN i hate getting wet in the rain! Hi5!!

  6. We all have some weird stuff about us! I like the fact that you actually wrote them down and outright accepted them! Nice blog!

  7. Ha ha..even am a #4 myself. Now, you have inspired me to make such a list for my blog readers. :)

    1. Do make a list :) it will be nice to know more about you :) :)

  8. Just discovered you! Firstly, I love the whole me-ness about your blog, because what's really better than seeing the "me" in everyone :P

    As for the actual post, I also deleted a few friends from facebook, because their lives were so hip and happening, and mine was quite the opposite *sigh*.. but why make myself feel bad, when I can just delete them instead, and convince myself I have the most awesome life ever....and I also blame a lot of things on my parents, well not blame, but I use them as an excuse :)

    1. Thank you :) They are irritating aren't they, always with happy status and selfies and checking into awesome places.. grrr.. I dislike them too.. :) :)
      I still use parents as an execuse.. Very useful huh.. :) :)
      Thanks a lot for the lovely comment :) :)

  9. Wow!! Here I find someone who is utterly frank about herself. It needs a lot of guts to be crystal clear and many time we do not portray ourselves exactly the way we are. But not you my friend. I really like your frankness and attitude.

  10. I dont like rain too...very irritating....

  11. My very first visit here and loved your frankness. I could tag along with some points with you too.. esp the unfriending too happy ones and about grammar Nazis.

    1. Everyone has those type of friends on facebook.
      Thanks for the comment :) :)

  12. #4 - SO TRUE. I usually am a quiet person, but you should see me around my sister and best friend. I'm worse than a toddler on a sugar high :D

    So sorry for missing out on your previous posts; I had to take an involuntary blogging hiatus because school life had completely drained me out :(

    1. Many people seem to be impulsive bloggers.
      Thats ok sweetie.. :) Thanks for reading and commenting. :)

  13. I've hidden people on FB too. Hate the "Oh look at me, I'm so happ-ening. Look at me!" This is a rather nice list.

    1. I stopped logging on to facebook for some days because of these people..
      Thanks for reading and commenting Shefali.. :) :)

  14. I agree about the introvert-extrovert part. Acquaintances think of me as an introvert, but my friends know that I'm positively insane! LOL about unfriending that girl! Hahah, what did she do? Post super happy status updates? xD

    1. Yeah. Mostly selfies atleast 10 a day and smiling in all of them.. :)
      Thank you for the comment :) :)

  15. I found myself nodding vigorously to every one of the points :P

    1. Really ?? If yes, you are leading your life right.. ;) ;) :) :)
